
  • Type: Spanish
  • Ripeness: very early

One of the earliest varieties on the market in the Spanish type. A not too lush chive and a thin neck are the advantages of growing onions for the bag. Thanks to its earliness, it can be harvested immediately after spring onions, well ahead of other varieties grown for sowing, thus filling the gap in the supply of the commodity at this time. It is characterised by a very rapid growth of bulbs in the final growth phase.

  • Sowing date: from 1st to 2nd decade of April
  • Yield potential: extremely high yielding
  • Type of use: mainly for processing, but can also be sold by the bag
  • Soil requirements: medium
  • Planting standard: 2.2-2.7 u/ha (industrial) and 2.2-3 u/ha (bag)
  • Storability: until the end of November (storage facilities without a controlled atmosphere)
Hull colour: golden-yellow
Shape: spherical, thin-necked
Size of bulbs: medium to large
Chive: strong, not too lush