A variety for special tasks. It copes well on weaker sites, even in difficult weather conditions. It has an outstandingly strong root system and is therefore characterised by good health against soil-borne diseases. Can be grown on non-irrigated sites. It has a good husk for the American-Spanish type. Because of its weaker wax, it requires a careful approach to herbicide protection and more protection against leaf diseases.
- Type: American-Spanish
- Maturity: medium-early
- Sowing date: from the 1st to 2nd decade of April
- Yield potential: extremely prolific (stable yields)
- Type of use: mainly for processing, but can also be sold by the bag

- Soil requirements: low
- Planting standard: 2.2-2.8 u/ha (industrial); 2.8-3.4 u/ha (bag)
- Storability: until January-February
Hull colour:
spherical, slightly flattened
Size of bulbs:
very large
strong, raised, with slightly weaker waxing